Sunday, September 27, 2009

Countdown to Consultation!!!

2 days….3 sisters…6 hands…8 hours…110 locs! I’m getting closer! On Friday (9/25/09), Operation Take Down began. When I got home from work I grabbed a pair of scissors and a ruler and started cutting. I cut an additional 8-10 inches from hair, leaving me with about 6-7 inches of locs.

I washed my hair and saturated it with an entire bottle of VO5 conditioner. (Thanks for the tip Sandra) I put a plastic cap over it while I prepared the meal for my Take Down sidekicks. My sisters Shellie and Shretha arrived, we ate, had cocktails and got to work, using fine tooth combs and dental picks. (LOL, yes a dental pick, thanks again Sandra).

We started at 8pm and stopped at midnight. Day 2 we started about 1pm and finished around 5pm. It was not as bad as we thought it would, but I definitely would not do it again.

I washed my hair again and Shellie flat twisted my hair for my in-the-meantime-and-between-time hairstyle (will post pic tomorrow when I undo the twists).

I am so very grateful for my sisters Ree and Shellie for committing to my mission and Missy for her contribution to the process. I don’t think I would have been able to do this without them. Much love!

Next step…….Consultation is scheduled for next Saturday, 10/03/09. So excited!!!!


  1. Great photojournalism kid! I giggled at Shellie's was a hair day for both of yall!

    Your hair is so freakin thick! Does it feel weird to have all that hair gone?

    I don't remember any email about the Take Down Party official date though:( Boo to me for missing that email! I can't wait to see your sista locks!

  2. Im soo happy 4 u! I cannot wait to see how your sisterlocks will turn out. I commend you for cutting your locks, I don't think I couldve done it...
